A few weeks ago, I heard about oil pulling on a Facebook post by one of my friends who was asking if others had tried this method of oral hygiene.
I was amazed at the response she received from those who use this process as a natural approach to a cleaner mouth with great success. It certainly piqued my curiosity, so I did a bit of research about the idea of swishing oil in your mouth that produces better oral hygiene which benefits the overall health of the body.
It is said to be a natural home remedy that helps to cleanse the body of toxins by addressing gum and mouth disease that commonly cause gingivitis, cavities, bleeding gums, and bad breath. Its popularity quickly spread world-wide as a method of improving oral health and is also a natural process of whitening your teeth. That was a big plus for me! It’s considered safe, easy to do and inexpensive, while removing harmful bacteria and inflammation aiding the immune system.
In my research, I learned that oil pulling has been used in India and Asia for thousands of years and was only recently introduced by a Ukrainian doctor, Dr. F. Karach in Russia in 1995. He recommended using Sunflower oil and believed it to be a cure for all diseases.
Dr. Karach stated, “Most different diseases could be totally cured without medicines or surgery. With pulling oil treatment, I have cured my chronic blood disease with which I suffered for 15 years. It healed, in 3 days, an acute arthritis which made me lay in bed. Pulling Oil heals headaches, bronchitis, tooth pain, thrombosis, eczema, ulcers and diseases of stomach, intestines, heart, blood, kidney, liver, lungs and woman’s diseases. It heals diseases of nerves, paralysis, encephalitis and chronic sleeplessness. It prevents the growth of malignant tumors, cuts and heals them.”
What an amazing testament! Could oil pulling really accomplish all that he states?
It makes sense that bacteria and toxins found in the mouth are transferred into the body through saliva which then travels into the blood stream affecting various parts of the body and organs resulting in an assortment of ailments and diseases. Oil pulling is believed to prevent the transference of the bacteria by capturing it within the oil that is spit out of the mouth when the process is complete. I am all for natural health remedies and having fresher breath and whiter teeth. I am especially interested if using the process of oil pulling could help to insure better health through prevention. With that, I was ready to give it a try!
There are several different types of oil that have been used with great results, however, the recommended oils to use are cold pressed Sunflower or Sesame oil. You can also use the refined oil if you are not able to find the cold pressed oil, however, organic is best. Other types of oils that have been used with success have been Coconut oil, Olive oil, and Safflower oil.
Since I already had Coconut oil in my pantry, I decided to give it a try. Coconut oil is generally a thick white solid. There is no need to melt the Coconut oil before oil pulling, the Coconut oil will naturally melt as it is swished inside your mouth. I have also read where using Coconut oil aided with weight loss. Well, I plan to see how true that is!
Some people have suggested to do oil pulling before you brush your teeth in the morning, others say to brush first. Just do what you feel is best or most comfortable for you. It is also recommended that you do this on an empty stomach first thing in the morning upon awakening, before drinking or eating anything.
To do the process of oil pulling, use one tablespoon (two teaspoons or 10 ml) of oil in the mouth. Then begin swishing the oil around inside your mouth, but do not swallow as the oil now contains bacteria and toxins. Swallowing merely transfers it back into the body diffusing the benefit of oil pulling.
Keep your chin up to insure the oil travels through the entire cavity of your mouth. Swish the oil throughout the mouth, move the jaw as if you are chewing, swish it between your teeth, reaching the front and back of your teeth, to include the back molars, upper palate and sides of your mouth for about 15 to 20 minutes. (If you find it hard to do this for the recommended amount of time, try going for as long as you possibly can and work up to the recommended 15 – 20 minutes.) You want the oil to turn watery and white in your mouth. After this process, you will spit out the oil. (If the oil is still a yellowy color when you spit it out, you have not pulled the oil enough).
Do not spit it out into the sink or toilet as the oil can clog the drain. Try spitting it out into a plastic zip lock bag or trash bag. I know this sounds disgusting, but just imagine the impurities you are pulling out of your body. Once you have completed the oil pulling, brush your teeth and rinse out your mouth. It is also suggested that you drink a couple glasses of water afterward.
You can do oil pulling once a day upon awakening, but many have stated that they do this twice a day for an added effect, once in the morning and again at night before going to bed, again on an empty stomach. No midnight snacking here!
There are many more benefits to oil pulling than just leaving the mouth feeling cleaner and the teeth shining whiter. Users of oil pulling have also reported to have healthier skin, even brown spots began to disappear. Many felt as if they had a lot more energy, slept much better at night for a more restful sleep, and also helped with curbing their appetite resulting in weight loss.
Many practitioners of traditional medicine have also stated that oil pulling is a great preventative measure for assisting the immune system and is also believed to aid in the prevention and curing of heart disease, arthritis, eczema, infections, headaches, bronchitis, ulcers, and so much more.
According to Dr. Sandra Moldovan, a periodontist in Beverly Hills and a certified nutritionist with a Masters in Oral Biology, “People with bad oral hygiene have higher incidence for cardiovascular issues such as heart attack and strokes, and a higher incidence for pneumonia. Men with periodontal disease have a greater risk of erectile dysfunction. Even with diabetes, improved oral health can help control problems in diabetic patients. Also, pregnant women with gum disease have lower birth-weight babies. Yes — everything is connected.”
Dr. Moldovan continues, “When there is a healthier mouth, there is less inflammation in the body, and overall then everything can heal, the skin is better, you’re in a better mood, you have more energy, because gum disease – if you have all this infection in the mouth – your body is constantly trying to fight this bacteria to keep it from entering your body. That is stressful for us. That chronic infection in the mouth, once it improves because we have better oral hygiene, we feel better and look better.”
Through my research, I found that some people complained of some medical conditions worsening after trying oil pulling. This is believed to be the Herxheimer effect, where the process of detoxifying the body aggravates medical complaints. This, I believe, is the body’s reaction to the detox. It gets worse before it gets better by pulling the toxins out of the body. This is where the body is regaining its normal healthy state. One preventative measure to consider is to take a week or two to detox your body before trying oil pulling. A good detox method is to mix together 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a half glass of water two times a day. The alkalization helps to remove the toxins within the body. After doing this for a couple of weeks, then try the oil pulling. It is encouraged to not give up, it does get better each time the process of oil pulling is used.
I was really impressed with some of the testimonials I read while learning more about oil pulling. Regular oil pullers stated that, in addition to a fresher mouth, their skin looked smoother, their vision improved, sleep improved, and even their dark under-eye circles have all but disappeared. Others stated that their chronic health conditions have been healed completely ranging from arthritis and gout, to lung infections and kidney disorders. Their testimonies alone were enough to convince me to give oil pulling a try.
Any process of removing and preventing the build-up of bacteria and toxins within the mouth results in a healthier body. Oil pulling for me just makes sense if it is practiced daily, not as a cure-all, but as a preventative measure.
To learn more about the process of oil pulling, one very informative web site I found is at: http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/oil_pulling.html.
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